Life-Cycle Eco-Services for Sustainability

R. C. Michelini, G. L. Kovács


The paper addresses the sustainable growth, or even better: ‘sustainability’ as a challenge for tomorrow, to assure progress continuation. From engineering viewpoints, the bet has to be accepted, and the ‘service economy’ provides valuable hints, affixing chances, with innovative worth. Pertinent details are specified, with links to the net concern deployments. The paper gives a survey and some genuine ideas to understand some crucial problems of mankind, which were out of scope for several hundreds of years and became important – at least some people started to understand and explain – only in the second part of the previous century, namely problems of ecology, of environment, of expectable energy and material shortages, including drinking water, which all together led to the acceptance of sustainable growth and then of sustainability. Sustainability may mean our survival from technical and social point of view as well. The importance and management of services – besides the production –will be discussed in details. Personal and company level issues will be analysed, as well as international and European Union level problems and solution efforts. Life-cycle management of traditional and extended (virtual) organizations, and the tangible and intangible properties and views of all types of objects are discussed, too.

Ключевые слова

current industrialism; progress; service engineering; virtual settings; integration choices; prospects; future plans

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(c) 2021 R. C. Michelini, G. L. Kovács