The RTR Path Planner for Differential Drive Robots

D. Kiss, G. Tevesz


Path planning among obstacles is a challenging task for nonholonomic mobile robots. One class of the most widespread approaches for solving this are sampling-based roadmap methods. These take samples from the configuration space and use a local planner to connect them and to build a roadmap. The resulting path is obtained by a graph search algorithm in this roadmap. This paper presents the RTR-Planner, a sampling-based global planning algorithm for differential drive mobile robots, based on the idea of Rapidly exploring Random Trees (RRT). The RTR-planner builds two search trees consisting of rotation (R) and translation (T) primitives, starting from the initial and the goal configuration. Samples are taken randomly or biased towards passages in the free workspace. If the two trees reach each other, the resulting path can be obtained easily. Simulation results are presented which show the effectiveness of the method even in the presence of narrow corridors and passages.

Ключевые слова

robots; locomotion systems; algorithm; construction process, method

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(c) 2021 Domokos Kiss, Gábor Tevesz